I just finished two assignments! Oh really? Ok Ok, I copied. This was the closest I can get to college now. I am graduating in 2020, Will I? Who knows? We are the batch of 2020 (if so). While everyone else was ranting about colleges and assignments, I was telling them it’s for their own good. Now it came on me and I feel it’s my responsibility to say a word or two. Is it? No. We are already hammered by the negativity floating on the internet. Instead, we should go somewhere silly.

  • Zooms calls have given us the opportunity to attend classes on Pluto, Sun, Golden Gate Bridge, even inside the Pacific Ocean with fishes but my friends chose to study under hanging underwear. Aha! This is how to attain enlightenment.
  • Alright, we ain’t getting a graduation party but you can always get high on sanitizer, higher than The Empire States building. JK!
  • Students of engineering college, also known as hunter-gatherers have successfully proved this title wrong. Thanks to home! The control we got on our tongue, otherwise cursing every now and then; the dreams of getting 8 hrs of sleep are now being accomplished daily with the compensation of sleep we missed during Fifa and Sheesha, and all the healthy food instead of rubber butter at college canteen.
  • Although it’s established that I cannot cook but we can cook almost every cuisine at home — we will save money and time. Moreso who found this hobby, please don’t give this up. And to all the restaurants and hotels and college mess, no no not college mess — Fuck You — for forking out money from the pool of our tiny pockets.
  • In other news, the attendance criterion is lifted. We can sleep extra, we can binge-watch the shows and not get overwhelmed by the class the next day, because there are none. But, Netflix and zizz — the most adorable things are becoming boring.
  • To all those people whose birthdays are spent in quarantine, Happy Birthday and Congratulations! You have saved yourself from the brutal birthday bumps.

Ultimately, this pandemic is a test of your immunity — immunity to bullshit, immunity to hatred, immunity to selfishness, immunity to indulgence and yes, to a virus. Just hang in there people, 2020 is a rollercoaster ride. We will get through this.