Sloth vs Koala — These two might make you super sleepy. Don’t take out your pillows just yet. Instead, grab a coffee. Don’t worry, you ain’t gonna miss anything.

Sloths are low energy loafers, inhabitant to Central and South America. These are drowsy tree-dwellers who sleep 15 hours a day and barely move even when awake. They are so snail-paced that they grow algae on their skin, it makes them less noticeable to predators. If you groom Sloths, thousands of moths might fly out. In fact, when they groom themselves, they move their fingers so slow that the moths have no difficulty keeping up with the pace. Once every week, they come down to defecate and cover their poop with leaves. While on ground, they move slowly by digging their front claws into the dirt and dragging their bodies. Despite the fact that they don’t do much, sloth has a constant smile on the face.

Our next contestant is Koala. Often known as Koala-bear, it is barely related to the bear family, instead Koala belongs to Marsupials family. These sleepy-headed creatures doze off for 18 hrs a day. Found in Australia, these convenient eaters hardly leave the Eucalyptus tree where they get endless supply of their favorite food — Eucalyptus leaves. This means less time searching for food and more time for snoring. Koalas might not be the smartest animal but they are cute, cuddly and extremely photogenic.

Does it mean laziness contributes to happiness? :p

Both of these beings are either sleeping or daydreaming. But who is the winner? Umm, None. But Ishan Singh, a friend of mine with a weird hairdo. He has achieved new heights of laziness in this lockdown. He hasn’t left the sofa in a while and has developed a smooth brain. Reaching this new feat of idleness, sloth and koala are no competition to him. As a matter of fact, he has moved beyond the illusions of the world.

OK, get back to your fast paced schedules.

PS. Sadly, earlier this year many Koalas were killed because of Australian Fire.
PS2. Thank You Ishan